Thursday, May 29, 2008

wicked alice

Poems up at wicked alice. Thanks to Kristy Bowen.

Monday, May 26, 2008

better they laugh than cry

My friend Paul Cox is doing his dissertation on a 1942 piece by John Cage, so I went trolling for Cage material on the web and found this: John Cage on "What's My Line". When the host of the show says People are going to laugh, Cage responds with something like Better they laugh than cry.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

memorial cherries

My father grew tomatoes every year--big, fat, beefsteaks that we would eat sometimes right off the vine. They rarely made it into sauce. Perhaps in honor of my father, or something else, my brother and I drove to a parking lot in South Russell yesterday and bought tomato plants. Well, he bought them. I'm broke. But he set me up with three cherry tomato plants I picked partially for their names: brown berry, yellow pear, Thai pink egg.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

bleeding hearts & wrapped van

No words are flowing, but the garden is shaping up. This cold, wet spring has made a bunch of plants really happy. The white bleeding hearts were glowing in the sunlight yesterday morning. Ben shot this image of a wrapped van in the neighborhood.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

reading tonight & good news

Reading with Nin Andrews, Major Ragain, Toni Thayer, Emily Dressler, Mary Biddinger and others at the former Poets and Writers League at E. 25th and Superior ( In honor of Mary's new Barn Owl Review and the "Muse."

In the good news department: 2 poems accepted to Harpur Palate.

I swear the blog will return to musings instead of diary entries soon. Promise.

Monday, May 5, 2008

post grad

No photos from graduation, alas, but it was swell (and I didn't even properly shave my legs and never got that manicure...). Now for less intellectual pursuits, like obsessing about the amount of violets in my garden (like an old lady). Many thanks again to Mary and my pals.