Saturday, May 19, 2007


It's all about narrative, claims Art Spiegelman, who spoke to a sold-out crowd last night. Chain-smoking onstage with New York Times art critic Michael Kimmelman, the case for comics was made, along with some serious digs at Lichtenstein and a flash of Henry Darger.

Who knew Superman to be an obstructionist?

The latest in the Lockwood Thompson Spectrum series produced by the Cleveland Public Library and Cleveland Public Art at Cleveland Public Theatre (with the help of Cleveland Public Power, according to CPA director Greg Peckham) was the best attended yet. Look for Kimmelman to return later this year with writer/publisher Dave Eggers. Congrats to Corrie Slawson, who got the whole thing together and wore a fabulous dress as well.

Up and out the door to do something I'd never do if it weren't for out-of-town friends: Go to the Rock Hall and pay ten bucks to park. Walked right into the middle of hundreds of Cleveland School kids performing on stages all over the plaza. The percussion group from DCL: heart-pounding.

Then to Coit Road Market in East Cleveland to buy brown eggs from the Amish guy, a pair of lightly worn bronze-colored shoes, Wild Bill's BBQ pork loin. Drank Kevin the spice-guy's special home brew, ate couscous with smoked cumin, saw old chums. Missed out on the rhubarb, and restrained myself from buying yummy bean pie.

Home to work, then out to Chagrin Falls later for art show/day/extravaganza at Nathaniel Parsons' studio. It's a good day it's a good day.

1 comment:

sevnetus said...

What a day! I'd say you drop names but you walk it and here talk it. You get around! I'm thinking Wittgenstein, and Henry Darger is a Natalie Merchant song (to me.)