Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Aeolian Piano

Trying to write a poem for more than an hour. It's usually delivered whole to me. Otherwise I don't trust it.

All I hear are waves and birds and my old dog crying for breakfast. A plane far off.

Poem not born this morning, just pieces and parts on a page.


Sara said...

I'm having a hard time with the poem too, Amy. But you know what happens tonight? We eat yummy salami sandwiches at Pints! We could write poems about that. : )

dork said...

Vodka- I recommend vodka.

michael salinger said...

sweetheart - i've been trying to write a poem for a month. in the meantime i wrote one that i wasn't even thinking about.

Amy said...

Sara, the salami sandwich was fabulous. We should write about those...Dork--how did you know vodka is my favorite am beverage?...Salinger, if I have to spend a month on a poem, I'd anything else, which is I guess what you did!

mydisguises said...

i'm thinking the old dry is crying a poem. translating it is the key.